Tuesday, May 7, 2024

⊕ LEGAL: NLRB responds to right-to-work legislation

In a little-noticed National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announcement in April, the federal agency is seeking input on a union fundraising initiative that has...

Legal Perspective: Let’s talk about The EEOC annual report

We are experiencing an unpredictable and difficult economic situation Cookeville – A few statistics are worth our attention,...

LEGAL: Tennessee Workers’ Comp reform: A summary

 In 2013, the Tennessee General Assembly enacted the Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Reform Act (“Act”). The Act aims to bring about shorter periods to resolve...

LEGAL: Expensive lessons learned in Form I-9 and discrimination violations

When an employer violates I-9 paperwork or discrimination requirements, either USCIS (for paperwork violations) or the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment...

Sixteen states ask US Supreme Court to clarify Title VII’s prohibition on discrimination “because...

By Jeff Jones Special to the UCBJ Sixteen States, including Tennessee, have filed a brief with the United States Supreme Court asking the Court to review...

Don’t ruin your company holiday party

By Jeff Jones Special to the UCBJ ‘Tis the season for company holiday parties. And while company holiday parties can create goodwill with employees, as well...