Saturday, May 18, 2024

LEGAL: TN workers’ comp reform promises many employer-friendly changes

In 2013, the Tennessee General Assembly enacted major workers’ compensation changes initiated by Gov. Bill Haslam and supported by the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce...

LEGAL: Performance evaluations – new trends for employee reviews

There seems to be a trend developing among many employers of eliminating annual performance reviews altogether, and instead relying on more continuous feedback throughout...

LEGAL: Expensive lessons learned in Form I-9 and discrimination violations

When an employer violates I-9 paperwork or discrimination requirements, either USCIS (for paperwork violations) or the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment...

⊕Timekeeping 101: There’s no time like correctly recorded time

There are many ways to run afoul of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). One of the easiest pitfalls to avoid, however, is...

LEGAL: Are you a joint employer? Guidance issued on wage-hour liability

Attorneys and clients are familiar with cases in which a plaintiff sues a group of defendants, hoping that the plaintiff can find a "deep...

⊕LEGAL: Hiring? Tips on using background checks, social media investigations and pre-employment testing

Hiring new employees can be an expensive, time-consuming task. An employer can be prepared with standard forms and interview questions, but still not have...