⊕ UC agencies awarded safety grants totaling $1.4M

UPPER CUMBERLAND – More than $1.4 million in highway safety grants were awarded to Upper Cumberland agencies in September, including $156,000 for Tennessee Tech’s Ollie Otter program, which bolsters education on booster seat and seat belt use in the state.

Overall, 437 grants worth $17.8 million were awarded to 376 agencies in September, said Tennessee Department of Transportation Commissioner John Schroer and Governor’s Highway Safety Office Director Kendell Poole. The UC received 39 grants overall.

“These grants help fund a variety of enforcement, legal, and educational initiatives across the state,” Schroer said. “All of these efforts, from DUI prosecution, to speed enforcement, to child passenger safety training, support the mission of saving lives and reducing injuries on our roads through partnership with numerous public and private organizations.”

Other six-figure grants included $204,759.27 to the Tennessee District Attorney General, 31st Judicial District for DUI abatement and prosecution enhancement in 2015/2016; and $162,641.29 to the Tennessee District Attorney General, 13th Judicial District for its Better Enforcement Stopping Tragedy (B.E.S.T.), or a DUI prosecution program.

CANNON (1): Cannon County Sheriff’s Department, Cannon County Alcohol Enforcement Project, $14,991.37

CLAY (2): Celina Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000; Clay County Sheriff’s Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000

CUMBERLAND (3): Crossville Police Department, Alcohol Saturation/Roadside Checkpoints, $20,000; Cumberland County Sheriff’s Department, DUI Enforcement, $35,000; Cumberland County Sheriff’s Department, Young Drivers/Teen Driver Safety, $42,285

DEKALB (2): Alexandria Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000; Smithville Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $4,999.99

FENTRESS (1): Fentress County Sheriff’s Department, Impaired Driving Enforcement Program, $15,041.92

JACKSON (1): Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, Saturation Patrols/Awareness/Roadside Checkpoints (SPARC), $15,000

MACON (3): Lafayette Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000; Macon County Sheriff’s Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000; Red Boiling Springs Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000

OVERTON (2): Livingston Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $4,999.95; Overton County Sheriff’s Department, Saturating for Safety/Alcohol Enforcement, $20,000

PICKETT (1): Pickett County Sheriff’s Office, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000

PUTNAM (13): Baxter Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement $5,000; Cookeville Police Department, Traffic Education Saves Teens (TEST)/Teen Driver Safety, $26,940; Cookeville Police Department, Cookeville Safe Streets, $24,999.75; Cookeville Police Department, Network Coordinator, $14,999.92; Cookeville Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000; Monterey Police Department, Alcohol Saturation Patrols/Roadside Sobriety Checkpoints, $15,056.92; Putnam County Sheriff’s Department, STEER ‐ Safety, Traffic, Education, Enforcement and Response, $30,000; Putnam County Sheriff’s Department, D2 Awareness/Distracted Driving, $11,620; Tennessee District Attorney General, 13th Judicial District, Better Enforcement Stopping Tragedy (B.E.S.T.)/DUI Prosecution, $162,641.29; Tennessee Tech University Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $4,999.99; Tennessee Technological University, Ollie Otter, Booster Seat and Seat Belt Education, $156,116.57; Tennessee Technological University, Tennessee Traffic Safety Resource Service/Safe Communities, $459,359.77

SMITH (3): Carthage Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000; Gordonsville Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $4,882.50; South Carthage Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000

VAN BUREN (2): Spencer Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000; Van Buren County Sheriff’s Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $5,000

WARREN (3): McMinnville Police Department, Be A Survivor Get A Designated Driver, $15,532; Tennessee District Attorney General, 31st Judicial District, DUI Abatement/Prosecution Enhancement 2015/2016, $204,759.27; Warren County Sheriff’s Department, Warren County Impaired Driving Enforcement, $24,318.58

WHITE (2): Sparta Police Department, High Visibility Enforcement, $4,999.99; White County Sheriff’s Department, DUI Saturation Patrols, $24,992.61

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