UPPER CUMBERLAND – Roane State Community College will return to an in-person format for the Class of 2022 commencement, planning to hold multiple ceremonies due to the number of graduates, guests and venue capacity.
Commencement is currently scheduled for Friday, May 6, and Saturday, May 7, 2022. An evening ceremony will be held on May 6 at 7 p.m. ET. Three additional ceremonies are scheduled for May 7 at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. ET.
All ceremonies are held on the Roane County Campus in the gymnasium. There are currently no limits on the number of guests graduates may bring. Please note that when the gymnasium capacity is reached, guests will be asked to use overflow seating located in nearby classrooms and the theatre to view the ceremony via live video.
Caps and gowns for graduates are available for pickup at the Harriman and Oak Ridge campus bookstore locations. There is no additional charge for caps and gowns and graduates may keep them. Those who have achieved academic honors (3.5 GPA or higher as of Fall 2021) may purchase a gold honors tassel for a small fee. The bookstore has a list of eligible students.
Additionally, first generation college students will be recognized again this year with a special First Generation stole. More than half of all expected Roane State graduates participating in spring commencement have indicated that they are first generation. Faculty are also encouraged to participate in the First Generation recognition.
If you or someone attending the ceremony with you will need assistance (i.e., ASL interpreting, wheelchair access), please email accommodations@roanestate.edu with the request.
For additional information on commencement ceremonies, including check-in and rehearsal times, visit roanestate.edu/graduation and choose the “Graduation Ceremony” link.

Roane State is a two-year college providing transfer programs, career-preparation programs and continuing education. Founded in 1971, the college has locations in Roane, Campbell, Cumberland, Fentress, Knox, Loudon, Morgan and Scott counties as well as a branch campus in Oak Ridge. For more information, visit roanestate.edu or call (865) 882-4554. Remember, eligible adults can now attend Roane State tuition-free with the new Reconnect grant. Learn more at roanestate.edu/reconnect.