By Michelle Price
Special to the UCBJ
COOKEVILLE – With the recent demolition of the old Whitson Hardware building on Cedar Avenue near the Depot in Cookeville, people have been wondering just what was being planned for the now-empty lot in the West Side District. Developers have confirmed to the UCBJ that a mixed use commercial/residential project is in the works for that location.
“Our hope is to have mixed use commercial and residential with commercial on the first level and residential above,” said developer Lindy Lynn. “Currently the plans are still in the works with an architect and an engineer.”
Lynn, who has herself lived in the WestSide area, is excited about the enhanced living and business opportunities in the downtown area.
“Hopefully, it will allow more business spaces and allow more private living in town to help businesses with retail and restaurants,” said Lynn.
Developers hope to break ground on the new project within the next six months. Lynn shared that they have preliminary drawings, but changes are still in the works and would need to be approved by the city before going public.
“The city has been super helpful in guiding us, and the people in the codes department have helped us as we try to formulate a development that complements the area,” added Lynn.