Cookeville Convention and Visitors Bureau celebrates Tourism Week starting Monday

PUTNAM COUNTY – The Cookeville-Putnam County Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) is celebrating National Travel and Tourism Week starting Monday. During this time, local residents are encouraged to “Be A Tourist in Your Own Town.”

Travel trivia regarding local attractions will be posted throughout the week via the “Visit Cookeville-Putnam County” Facebook page as well as on Twitter (@CookevilleTenn) and Instagram (@CookevilleTN). 

CVB staff members will visit local hospitality partners throughout the week to offer appreciation. Prizes will be given away throughout the week and locals are encouraged to stop by the Highlands Visitor Center, located at 470 Neal St., Cookeville.

Aside from providing nearly 900 tourism-related jobs in 2013, most recent statistics show that each of the 31,882 households in Putnam County pays $256 less in state and local taxes as a result of taxes generated by tourist spending in the county.

Putnam County currently ranks 17th of the 95 counties in Tennessee with tourism expenditures of $106.26 million, an increase of $7.17 million since the previous year.

“Tourism is one of the purest forms of economic development,” said Molly Brown, Cookeville-Putnam County CVB director. “Travelers visit our area, spend their money, then go home to tell all their friends and family to come do the same. They experience our hospitality, explore our beautiful natural attractions, and serve as a walking, talking billboard for how amazing the Upper Cumberland is as a vacation destination.”

The CVB is a division of the Cookeville-Putnam County Chamber of Commerce and works to develop and implement ideas and strategies that will increase tourism in and enhance the image of Cookeville, Putnam County, the Highlands and the Upper Cumberland region of Tennessee. For more information, call (931) 526-2211 or visit

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