Cookeville – Tennessee Tech University’s Center Stage presents a performance featuring the First Nations Circle of Music on Nov. 10 at 6 p.m. in the Memorial Gym on the Main Quad of the campus.
The First Nations Circle of Music is part of the month-long celebration and activities honoring Native American Awareness. Attendees will be provided with an educational and entertaining experience. Indigenous tribes will perform dances and provide music representing their traditions and heritage.
Music and dance act as a unifying force between audience and the First Nation members represented during this event. Multiple indigenous tribes will be represented to provide cultural context and significance through performance.
Admission to Center Stage events is free, unless otherwise noted. The events are paid for by student fees and open to the public with priority seating given to students. Many guests provide additional educational opportunities for students through workshops or master classes during their residencies.
Email or call Liz Kassera, center stage coordinator, for more information at or (931) 372-3637. Memorial Gym is located on the Main Quad at Tennessee Tech, W 8th St, Cookeville.