Saturday, May 18, 2024

LEGAL: Should you fire employees who present new Social Security number?

There is a provision in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services "Handbook for Employers, Guidance for Completing Form I-9," which deals with a situation...

LEGAL: Expensive lessons learned in Form I-9 and discrimination violations

When an employer violates I-9 paperwork or discrimination requirements, either USCIS (for paperwork violations) or the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment...

LEGAL: OSHA takes controversial positions on transgender restroom issues at work

Many employers may not realize that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulates in some ways the use of toilet facilities at work....

LEGAL: How to get the most from your HR audit

Human resource audits are important, both to evaluate the effectiveness of a company’s HR function, and to ensure compliance with federal, state and local...

⊕Legal: Religion and the workplace updates

While this summer saw a growing push for “marriage equality” and expanded protections for sexual identity, two other legal developments may have passed under...

⊕LEGAL: Hiring? Tips on using background checks, social media investigations and pre-employment testing

Hiring new employees can be an expensive, time-consuming task. An employer can be prepared with standard forms and interview questions, but still not have...