Friday, May 3, 2024

⊕ LEGAL: Do certain security checks constitute compensable work?

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the courts have long struggled with the issue of what constitutes compensable "work" under the Fair Labor...

Sixteen states ask US Supreme Court to clarify Title VII’s prohibition on discrimination “because...

By Jeff Jones Special to the UCBJ Sixteen States, including Tennessee, have filed a brief with the United States Supreme Court asking the Court to review...

BOOK REVIEW: ‘How I Built This’

Entrepreneurship: for some it’s the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. For others, a...

LEGAL: Are you a joint employer? Guidance issued on wage-hour liability

Attorneys and clients are familiar with cases in which a plaintiff sues a group of defendants, hoping that the plaintiff can find a "deep...

A love letter to all the moms out there

Pictured above – Mary Moses celebrated her final day of Chemo this week after a long battle. Ron Moses photo.

LEGAL: TN workers’ comp reform promises many employer-friendly changes

In 2013, the Tennessee General Assembly enacted major workers’ compensation changes initiated by Gov. Bill Haslam and supported by the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce...