COVID-19: ‘Face It’ ad campaign launched to promote masks

NASHVILLE – Gov. Bill Lee recently announced the state has launched a public service announcement campaign that urges all Tennesseans to fight against the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask. The ad campaign, titled “Face It. Masks Fight COVID-19”, will run on broadcast and cable television, digital, social media, print and billboards statewide. You can view the video here.

“Wearing a face covering when in public is a simple but effective way for us to each do our part and help stop the spread of COVID-19,” said Lee. “I wear a mask every day at the office, when Maria and I are out in public and especially when I visit my 87-year-old mother. It’s a personal choice for Tennesseans, but it’s one that could very well save lives and allow our economy to get fully back on track.”

The campaign officially launched Friday, July 24. For those wishing to share the message further, a public tool kit is available here.

The script of the ad is below:

This is the face of a fighter.
I’m fighting to keep Tennesseans working.
I’m fighting for time with my friends.
I’m fighting to see my students back in the classroom.
We’re fighting for our small businesses.
I’m fighting for football on Saturday.
I’m fighting for Football this Fall
I’m fighting to keep my family safe.
Whatever you’re fighting for, It’s time for all Tennesseans to fight back.
Until there’s a vaccine for COVID-19, this is the face of a fighter.
Face it. Masks fight COVID-19.

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