By Michelle Price
Special to the UCBJ
COOKEVILLE – The field is now set for one of the most contested Cookeville City Council races in recent history. Twelve candidates submitted their qualifying papers to run for the five seats available in the August 4 election.
Of the current city council, two are disqualified from running for reelection due to council term limits of two consecutive 4-year terms. The other three council members have filed for reelection.
Candidates filing to run are:
Ali C. Bagci
Jeremy Michael Bowman
Gene Bressler
Luke Eldridge
Chad Gilbert
Jordan M. Iwanyszyn
Brian Jones
Lynda Marie Loftis-Webb
Mark Miller (Incumbent)
Damon “Dee” Prince
Eric Walker (Incumbent)
Laurin Wheaton (Incumbent)
The UCBJ will soon be featuring a special section with information and bios on candidates. So, check back soon for more details on each one of the candidates.