COOKEVILLE – Synergy Mind & Body Studio in Cookeville will hold a series of community classes Sunday, April 3, and all proceeds will go to Bread for Life food pantry.
On Synergy’s monthly community day, class attendees pay what they can, and 100 percent of the proceeds go to a specified charity. On April 3, registered yoga teacher Nicole Pugh will teach community yoga at 2 p.m. Petti Groth, certified meditation teacher, will teach a meditation class at 3:15 p.m.
Synergy community classes are open to the public and are completely donation-based.
The Bread for Life food pantry is a ministry of Collegeside Church of Christ, serving up to 200 families each week. The organization’s main goals are to subsidize physical needs, build relationships and support spiritual growth. The entire Collegeside church is a part of the Bread for Life ministry, some members through direct contact with people in need, some through background work, many through the Sunday school and individual donations that fund the program, and everyone through prayers for people in the community who are in need. For more information, visit Collegeside.org.
Synergy is located at 139 E. Broad St. in Cookeville. Visit SynergyMindBody.com.