A golf simulator is part practice, part game and a combination of hardware and software
According to reports, local golfers will soon have a chance to dial in their irons, learn exact driver distances or get in swings on rainy days.
Tee Up (TU) Golf simulators in Baxter is planning a mid-July opening with construction nearing completion. Lynn McHenry, an ownership partner in TU, told Cookeville’s Newstalk 94.1/AM 1600 the simulator is a great addition to Baxter.
“It will, you know, bring customers in and obviously provide some tax dollars,” McHenry told Newstalk 94.1/AM 1600. “And it will let people see the downtown Baxter area, so it’s going to hopefully bring some people that have not really seen what Baxter has to offer to the community.”
A golf simulator is part practice, part game and a combination of hardware and software. The goal is to measure the initial ball flight, which prefaces its full flight path.
Analytics is key. For instance, systems like the QED Uneekor system have three different software: Refine, Ignite and TGC. Numbers travel to simulation software, display on the screen, or a separate monitor where spin, golf club delivery, the face at impact, total distance, and myriad other numbers help a player “dial in” or accurately guess what their ball is going to do when they get on the course.
Golfers are nerds at heart, crunching the numbers in the search for perfection.
The beauty of golf is that perfection is unattainable. It’s the search that keeps bringing the searchers back. In July, those searchers will have yet another path close to home.
This is an ongoing story. Check back for updates.
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