The study examined Google search volumes for 51 fictitious businesses over 12 months

A new study by has revealed the fictional businesses that residents in Tennessee search for the most often. Forrest Gump’s post-Vietnam venture Bubba Gump was the most popular. On average every month, there are 2592.0 searches for the shrimp company.

The research conducted by QR Code Generator used Google Keyword Planner to analyze statewide Google search volumes to determine the most popular fictional business from film, video games and TV. The study examined Google search volumes for 51 fictitious businesses over 12 months.

The second most popular fictional business is ACME Corporation, the wacky business that has created products that always fail or backfire in humorous ways that appeared in the tv show Warner Brothers Looney Tunes. On average, in Tennessee, there are 2083.0 searches for ACME Corporation every month.

Los Pollos Hermanos is the third-most searched fictional business in Tennessee. It was revealed that, on average, residents in Tennessee searched 908.0 times every month for the fried chicken shop that starred in the tv show Breaking Bad.

The fourth most popular fictional business was revealed to be Krusty Krab from the hit tv show SpongeBob SquarePants. In Tennessee, it was revealed that there are on average 807.0 searches every month for the tv show.

The fifth most popular fictional business is Umbrella Corp. Umbrella Corp of Resident Evil fame. The evil corporation is searched by Tennessee residents 672.0 times a month on average.

RoboCop’s Omni Consumer Products is Tennessee’s sixth most popular fictional business, with 544.0 people searching for it on average every month. Toy Story’s Pizza Planet is the seventh most adored fictional business in Tennessee, the movie is searched by fans 476.0 times a month on average.

The eighth most popular fictional business was Dunder Mifflin ofThe Office. Fans of the paper company search 388 times a month on average. Cheers Bar was ninth most popular fictional business.

The bar where everybody knows your name is searched by fans 323 times a month.

The 10th most popular fictional business is Shinra of Final Fantasy, which was searched for 292.0 times a month.

The top ten most popular fictional businesses

RankFictional BusinessFilm/TV/GameAverage monthly search volumes
1Bubba GumpForest Gump2592.0
2ACME CorporationWarner Brothers Looney Tunes2083.0
3Los Pollos HermanosBreaking Bad908.0
4Krusty KrabSpongeBob SquarePants807.0
5Umbrella CorpResident Evil672.0
6Omni Consumer ProductsRoboCop544.0
7Pizza PlanetToy Story476.0
8Dunder MifflinThe Office388.0
9Cheers BarCheers323.0
10ShinraFinal Fantasy292.0

“It is interesting to see which fictional businesses are most on the public’s minds,” said a spokesman for QR Code Generator.

The study shows that many of the most popular fictional businesses on the list are cafes and restaurants. Revealing how much the stomach guides our minds, with many of these fictitious businesses producing tasty-looking meals.

“Bubba Gump is not just a fictional business anymore; Forrest Gump was such a popular film that there is now a chain of Bubba Gump restaurants worldwide. This list is exciting, and it will be interesting to see if more fictional businesses become real-world franchises,” said the spokesman.

Image by freepik.

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