By Michelle Price
Special to the UCBJ
COOKEVILLE – COVID admissions at Cookeville Regional Medical Center (CRMC) have edged up slightly over the last 10 days, according to hospital spokesperson Mindy Youngblood. There are currently six COVID positive patients in CRMC. Patients have also needed more intensive treatment with an average of one COVID patient a day in the ICU.
The Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) reports that Putnam County has 74 active cases as of today, with 26 new cases testing positive today.
Only 37.42% of Putnam County residents have been fully vaccinated according to TDH, while 40.64% have had at least one dose. A total of 61,911 doses of the vaccine have now been distributed in the county.
Although there is much talk about the Delta and the new Alpha variants increasing in numbers, CRMC officials reported that the only way to know which variant a particular person has is to have it DNA(RNA) tested.
The method to determine which variants are circulating in our area is basically the same as the process to determine which flu strain is most prevalent. Certain facilities that partner with the state, known as sentinel sites, send samples to the state/CDC for this purpose. CRMC is not one of Tennessee’s COVID sentinel sites.
Hospital officials are strongly suggesting that everyone get a COVID vaccination.