Biz Foundry to report on stimulus and small business in UC

Biz Foundry asks small businesses to complete survey on stimulus loans and reopening

COOKEVILLE – Gov. Bill Lee and the Governor’s Economic Recovery Team have partnered with the Biz Foundry to determine the state of small business and the true effectiveness of the stimulus loans on small businesses across the region. 

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence showing that rural areas and Main Street businesses are being left out of the stimulus loan programs. Biz Foundry officials state the need to provide this data to state and federal policymakers. 

The Biz Foundry needs to report data for our region by early Tuesday afternoon and requests that local businesses complete this survey as soon as possible.

The Upper Cumberland report will be compiled into and with reports from regions across the state to give the recovery team a true vision of small business across the state.

The team will report their recommendations to the governor on Thursday. 

Click the following link to answer questions on the Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Disaster Loans:

Click this link to answer questions on the state of your business and issues with reopening:

The Biz Foundry guarantees that they will not share any identifiable information, only the data.

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