UC Women’s Club to hold April luncheon

UPPER CUMBERLAND– The April meeting of the Upper Cumberland Women’s Club will be held Tuesday, April 9 at Nick’s Restaurant in Cookeville. The meeting will begin at 12:00 p.m. (CST). All professional women in the area are invited to learn more about “This is Living” Ministry’s updates with guest speaker Lyndsay Holloway. We will also be donating purses gathered through our “Purse Project” to the organization. 

The price for the luncheon will be $15.00 payable at the door, with extra donations for the annual scholarship/benevolent fund always welcome. (A portion of the proceeds is dedicated to the UCWC scholarship and /or benevolent fund to support local women’s advocacy issues.) We also invite guests to become a member or renew their membership! Guests are invited to come to the meeting and learn more about the group and those involved. It’s an excellent networking and enriching opportunity. To RSVP, email ucwomensclub@gmail.com.

Nick’s is located at 895 S. Jefferson Ave. in Cookeville.

The Upper Cumberland Women’s Club Purse Project aims to provide a hand-up to women who are in need of encouragement and a few extra items to help them – to start their life anew in many cases. We are gathering gently used purses and we ask that you include a few personal care items inside such as travel sizesoap, toothpaste, tooth brushes, deodorant, shampoo, lotion, hand sanitizer, panty liners (a few in a small zip lock), sanitary napkins (a couple in a small zip lock), hair clips, ponytail holders, etc. You are also welcome to include a message of inspiration to the recipient. Any extra purses will be donated to other women’s advocacy organizations in the Upper Cumberland. 

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