Program allows rebates and incentives to “go directly into consumers’ pockets”

Cookeville – The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is investing $1.5 billion through 2027 with an initiative that looks to “help homeowners and businesses save money.”

The program, in partnership with local power companies, allows rebates and incentives to “go directly into consumers’ pockets and empower them to take control of their energy use,” according to a statement by TVA. 

“Starting Oct. 2, TVA is investing $1.5 billion … to help homeowners and businesses save money on their power bills, especially in the hot summer and cold winter months, through energy efficiency incentives and demand response programs that help consumers lower their energy use,” said TVA.

Rebates and incentives are available to anyone who “is looking to make energy efficiency upgrades and save money on their power bills.”

TVA claims the combination of upgrades can save up to 50 percent on yearly energy bills.

Residential upgrades that may be eligible for rebates include:

  • qualifying HVAC systems
  • duct and air sealing
  • heat pump water heaters
  • insulation
  • windows and HVAC tuneups

For more information visit

To qualify for eligible upgrade installations, customers must use a member of TVA’s contractor network. Contractors who want to be a part of TVA’s contractor network should visit TVA at for more information.

Incentives for homeowners

  • Residential upgrades that may be eligible for rebates include:
  • Qualifying HVAC systems
  • Duct and air sealing
  • Heat pump water heaters 
  • Insulation
  • Windows 
  • HVAC tune-ups

Incentives for businesses

Commercial and industrial facility upgrades that may be eligible for incentives include:

  • Qualifying HVAC systems
  • LED lighting
  • Electric forklifts
  • Refrigeration systems
  • Thermal ice storage systems
  • Variable speed drives 

TVA’s EnergyRight team says they can also customize incentives for businesses looking to install energy efficiency upgrades not covered in the standard incentives listed above including:

  • control systems
  • process heating and cooling
  • compressed air
  • pumps and fans
  • indoor agriculture systems and more. 

Photo courtesy of TVA.

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