Cookeville native Laura Yockey, front, right, founded Love Alive International, which provides sewing machines to women in Africa. Pictured are 2015 graduates of year-long sewing program held by the non-profit
COOKEVILLE – Synergy Mind & Body Studio will hold a set of community classes Sunday, Feb. 7, with all proceeds going to Love Alive International’s sewing center program. On Synergy’s monthly community day, attendees pay what they can, and 100 percent of the proceeds go to a specified charity. January’s classes benefited the Friends of Cookeville/Putnam County Animals.
On Feb. 7, registered yoga teacher Laura Burgin will teach community yoga at 2 p.m. Petti Groth, certified meditation teacher, will teach a meditation class at 3:15 p.m. Synergy community classes are open to the public.
Love Alive International is a non-profit organization founded by Laura Yockey of Cookeville in 2012 that seeks to reach across the globe through evangelism, education and humanitarian aid. One of its programs provides sewing machines to women throughout Africa who can use these machines to make a living for themselves and their families. Donations during Synergy’s Feb. 7 community classes will go toward the purchase of sewing machines for women in this program. For more information, visit LoveAliveInternational.com.
Synergy is located at 139 E. Broad St., Cookeville. For more information, visit SynergyMindBody.com.