Grant program earmarks monies for the purchase of firefighting equipment

The Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance (“TDCI”) and the Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s Office (“SFMO”) remind Tennessee volunteer fire departments that Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 2 p.m. CT is the deadline to apply for funding through the $10 million Volunteer Firefighter Equipment and Training Grant Program in 2024.

Created in 2019, the grant program earmarks monies for the purchase of firefighting equipment (other than fire trucks or vehicles) used to extinguish fires and protect the lives of firefighters, or the grants may be used to help fire departments pay or reimburse the cost share for federal grants that have already been awarded.

Since the program’s launch in 2020, grants totaling $16.5 million have been provided to Tennessee fire departments to help purchase lifesaving equipment. 

“We’ve seen a strong response from Tennessee’s volunteer fire department community to this year’s grant application period, which is great news for the departments and the communities they serve,” said Assistant Commissioner for Fire Prevention Mike Bell. “We hope that any and all departments who are interested in applying for a grant this year will apply ahead of the Nov. 27 deadline so that they can be included in the field of applicants.”

Departments requiring assistance in completing an application must submit a request for assistance to the SFMO by Monday, Nov. 25 2024. Applicants with any questions should contact Director of Education and Outreach Michelle Price by email at

Eligible fire departments must hold a valid recognition from the SFMO and have a staff comprised of less than 50% full-time career firefighters.

Applications will be scored internally and submitted anonymously to a seven-member committee who will oversee the award selection. The committee is composed of three representatives from the Tennessee Fire Chiefs Association, three representatives from the Tennessee Firemen’s Association, and TDCI’s Assistant Commissioner of Fire Prevention. Per statute, the funds will be awarded equally among Tennessee’s Grand Divisions.

Departments may make application for a grant via the SFMO’s grant application website. Departments who submitted applications during previous grant cycles can use their previously created credentials to log in.

Photo via freepik.

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