Bigtime’s Restaurant and Catering, restaurant and catering, 128 E. Bockman Way, Sparta, TN 38583, Timothy Picard Sr.
Cole’s Place, retail clothing and gifts, 35 E. Bockman Way, Sparta, TN 38583, Nicole Hensley
E S Construction, commercial roofing and Aldo products, 380 Old Highway Road, Sparta, TN 38583, Eddie Pack
Jar Head Solutions, stump grinding/firearms training, 111 Low Gap Road, Sparta, TN 38583, Daniel K. Luke
Nice-N-Tidy Cleaning Services, cleaning services, 1410 Whites Caves Road, Sparta, TN 38583, Pamela Turner
Pro-Line Construction, construction, 684 Ballard Lane, Sparta, TN 38583, Justin McClain
Sparta Flowers and Gifts, flowers, craft items for home, 141 E. Bockman Way, Sparta, TN 38583, Shearone L. Stewart
Steve Otto Construction, construction only, 604 Imperial Drive, Sparta, TN 38583, Steve Otto
This N That Bargain Sales, pallet sales, 240 W. Bockman Way, Sparta, TN 38583, Alex C. Vinson
Underground Farmers, farming, fruits, nuts, vegetables and selling farm-raised meat, 1740 Fanchers Mill Road, Sparta, TN 38583, Larry Masters
Wags and Wiggles Pet Supply Boutique, pet clothing, beds, harnesses, 1373 Fanchers Mill Road, Sparta, TN 38583, Chrissy Hallums
Websterville Enterprises, website design and product sales, 975 Sullivan Knowles Road, Sparta, TN 38583, Joseph Webster
Wimp’s Bait, selling fish bait, 505 Stagecoach Road, Quebeck, TN 38579, Bill Rutherford