The property was considered “Split zoned” local commercial and single-family residential
Cookeville – A portion of property at 801 and 803 Crescent Drive and Broad Street is now considered solely local commercial following a unanimous vote by the Cookeville City Council Thursday evening.
The property was considered “Split zoned” local commercial and single-family residential. It is adjacent to the “Bob’s Body Shop property.”
“The request was submitted to allow for consistent zoning of the subject property and for consideration of multi-family housing development at this location,” said Cookeville Planning Director Jon Ward.
The property has approximately 387 feet of linear street frontage on west broad street and 445 feet of linear street frontage along Crescent drive. The total acreage of the parcel is 5.86 acres, but the rezoning area is approximately 4.02 acres, according to official documents presented.
The rezoning request was previously approved by the planning commission. Vice Mayor Luke Eldridge made the motion to approve with a second by councilman Chad Gilbert. The motion passed unanimously.
In other news, the Hawkins Crawford Road Annexation was finalized unanimously on second reading. Councilman Ali Bagci was not present.
Photo courtesy of the Cookeville City Council YouTube page.