BMT Manufacturing expanding Campbell Co. operations

Manufacturing company to create 148 new jobs

NASHVILLE – ­Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam, Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner Bob Rolfe and BMT Manufacturing, Inc. officials announced Thursday that the company will expand in Campbell County.

BMT plans to locate new operations in Jellico and expand its current operations in Jacksboro, investing a total of $3.7 million and creating 148 new jobs in Campbell County.

“I want to thank BMT Manufacturing for choosing to expand its current operations in Campbell County and for creating more than 140 new jobs in Jacksboro and Jellico,” Haslam said. “In Tennessee, we manufacture things, and the manufacturing industry is thriving, currently employing more than 340,000 Tennesseans. By choosing to grow and reinvest here, companies like BMT will help Tennessee lead in manufacturing and the creation of high-quality jobs.”

“I want to congratulate BMT on its decision to expand in Campbell County with the new location in Jellico and expansion in Jacksboro,” Rolfe said. “Tennessee puts a large emphasis on creating more opportunities for our rural communities and I appreciate BMT for creating 148 new jobs in Campbell County, a Tier-4 county. I look forward to seeing this company continue to invest in this rural community and Tennessee.”

BMT manufactures various trailers for short bed, motorcycle, utility and cargo trailers. The company has been in operation since 2016 and currently employs 31 people at its location in Jacksboro.

“We have been blessed to have many opportunities to expand our business here in Jacksboro and to add another location in Jellico. Our goal at BMT is not only to be a profitable business but to train the previously incarcerated men in Campbell County with skills that will help them maintain long term employment and to help reduce the recidivism rate here in Campbell County.  BMT works closely with A New Beginning (ANB) to offer a jail-to-job training program where a skilled workforce is lacking. The program offers previously incarcerated individuals who desire to change the direction of their lives, trade-skills training and a job at BMT with the goal of securing a long-term career,” BMT Manufacturing CEO Tony Simpson said. “For our company to continue to grow and adapt, we need partnerships and support from the surrounding community. We are grateful to know we have that and more from the State of Tennessee, Campbell County and the city of Jellico.”

The company will be locating new operations in an existing building in Jellico and will create 100 jobs at the new location. The Jellico location is set to be operational by then end of 2018. BMT plans on expanding its current operations in Jacksboro, creating 48 new jobs at the facility.

Local leaders and the Tennessee Valley Authority thanked BMT for its investment in Campbell County.

“BMT is an innovative new business model that is taking market share in the trailer industry through well positioned and equipped production sites and creative workforce development that is not only profitable, but it has a community service heart. It is just what Campbell County, Tennessee needs to keep local talent and return previously unemployable workers to a living wage, educational and skills growth opportunities and a bright path beyond some of Appalachia’s biggest socio-economic challenges,” Campbell County Mayor E.L. Morton said.

“Bringing 100 jobs to Jellico, Tennessee seemed impossible four years ago. Through diligent economic development, fervent prayer and old-fashioned hard work, BMT is the break we¹ve been working for. From the Jellico City Council to Jellico High School faculty, County Commission and school board to local business owners, we are committed to seeing this project through to profitable business and local talent working here at home. I am proud of our friends at TNECD for recognizing the potential in Jellico. It is the front door to Tennessee and it is on the move to a bright future,” Morton added.

“TVA, Lafollette Utilities, and Jellico Utilities congratulate BMT on this announcement,” said TVA Senior Vice President of Economic Development John Bradley. “Helping facilitate job growth in the Valley is fundamental to TVA’s mission of service and we are proud to partner with Campbell County Mayor¹s office, Scott County Chamber, and Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development to help further that mission.”

The city of Jacksboro and the city of Jellico also supported BMT Manufacturing’s expansion in Campbell County.

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