COVID-19: Leisure Services offering online program options

COOKEVILLE – Cane Creek Recreation Center’s doors are temporarily closed, but the fun must go on.

That’s the sentiment of staff members, who have been working to create online recreation and wellness opportunities for citizens who are now unable to participate in classes and programs due to social distancing recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and local health officials.

“Even though we’ve been told to stay home and not be in large groups of people, recreation and leisure activities are still important, staying healthy is still important, staying social is still important, and having an avenue to do that is still important,” said Cara Sheets, Cookeville Leisure Services recreation superintendent. “So, we’re working to provide some ways to do that through a little humor and fun to keep everybody going through this time.”

Those ways include offering online versions of the classes and programs that have been suspended in an effort to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

The schedule so far includes daily fitness classes at 11 a.m.; Monday Minutes at 9 a.m. (find out what online recreation and fitness options are coming up for the week); Staying Home with Sally on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 p.m. (join recreation programmer Sally Herren for quick crafts for all ages that can be done around the house); Mid-Week Health Check on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. (wellness tips); and Feel Good Friday at 9 a.m. (variety of fun activities).

Sheets stressed that even though the recreation center doors are closed, staff members are adapting to the new circumstances and striving to stay connected to the people they serve.

“This is totally unchartered territory for everyone on every aspect,” Sheets said. “Restaurants, business owners, parents… nobody has done this before. So, our thinking was just, ‘What can we do?’ Since we don’t have access to people coming into our facilities, our best option is going online. Everyone still needs an outlet for recreation.”

Jen Webb, special programs coordinator, added, “It’s probably more important now than it ever has been.”

Patty Partington, who leads Chair Yoga, hopes members of her class, as well as participants in all other Cane Creek Recreation Center fitness and wellness classes, will continue to participate by viewing instructors on the social media pages of Cane Creek Recreation Center and Cookeville Leisure Services Department.

“You can get the feel of group fitness without the group,” she said.

Herren, who is planning a variety of online craft classes, said, “It’s been an adjustment for sure, but I’m excited to do the videos.”

See the Cookeville Leisure Services Department’s social media pages and website for updates. To learn more, call Cane Creek Recreation Center at 931-526-7393.

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