Upper Cumberland Young Lawyers Association hosts inaugural event

COOKEVILLE – The Upper Cumberland Young Lawyers Association recently hosted an inaugural event to provide backpacks and school supplies for foster children in the Upper Cumberland. The group collected and donated 99 backpacks, along with school supplies, to the Department of Children’s Services for foster children in all counties of the Upper Cumberland.

UCYLA member Caroline Sapp Hudson said, “Our hope is to bring excitement and joy to children in the Upper Cumberland at the start of their school year.”

This event, hosted at Red Silo on July 17, was held in conjunction with The Biz Foundry‘s monthly Happy Hour Meetup that provides the region with an opportunity to network with like-minded business groups.

Red Silo values this community and enjoys opportunities to give back.

Elijah Thomen, co-owner of Red Silo, stated, “When asked to host this event, I thought it would be a perfect fit for our Biz Foundry Happy Hour Event.  We were able to host over 75 people that night and bring attention to both groups.”

To find more about the UCYLA visit: https://www.facebook.com/UCYLA/

To find more about The Biz Foundry visit: www.thebizfoundry.org

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