UPPER CUMBERLAND – The Upper Cumberland Women’s Club (UCWC) celebrated co-founder Andrea Burckhard’s 60th birthday last Tuesday, taking the opportunity to recognize her extraordinary dedication and commitment to the organization and our community.

The luncheon, which was held at 1091 Rooftop Restaurant in the Holiday Inn on Willow Avenue in Cookeville, was organized by Lynn Scuderi, a home loan originator at US Bank. UCWC co-founder Linda Brooks Jones, proprietor of the Grey Gables Inn in Rugby, TN, gave a short message on the 3 P’s of owning your own business – Perseverance, Perspiration and Prayer.
The honoree was crowned “Queen for the Day” by Cindy Schueman of IMPACT Leadership who presented her with a crystal tiara as well as a royal purple robe donated by Casey Clark Jackson at Habitat for Humanity. During her presentation, Schueman noted, “Leaders pay close attention not only to how they lead but how their leadership is perceived, by the impact their leadership manifests. You have cultivated care, concern, compassion and competence, collaboration and community.”
Andrea was showered with gifts, including a plaque from Terri Curran and Linda Jones displaying UCWC’s old and new logos to demonstrate the organization’s growth and impact over the past 12 years, a commemorative slide show developed by Holly Bikakis from Hometown Digital Solutions, a gift certificate for a private retreat, a bouquet of orchids and a cake. Special guests at the luncheon included her son, Grant, and two friends Elaine Eisner from Ohio and Joyce Yoo from Chicago who are part of her New York Life study group.

“I am so touched by the outpouring of love and friendship here today,” said Burkhardt. “When we formed the Upper Cumberland Women’s Club, Linda and I wanted to inspire ladies from all walks of life, all ethnicities and all careers to get together for networking, friendship and fun. Over the years, we have experienced laughter and tears, and have supported each other through life’s ups and downs with professionalism and integrity. I urge you all to pay it forward.”
Founded in 2010, the Upper Cumberland Women’s Club is the fastest growing networking and service organization for professional and retired women in the Upper Cumberland. Serving five counties – Cumberland, Putnam, Overton, Pickett and White – the organization is committed to networking and learning about issues that concern the women of the Upper Cumberland. We also endeavor to assist with various projects in the region. UCWC is proud to give back to charities who best serve the women in our communities. The organization currently supports the Stephens Center in Cookeville. A plaque from the Stephens Center honoring UCWC for its specific contributions for Healthy Moms and Families of the Upper Cumberland was presented at the luncheon by Deborah Goodwin and Tiffany Maynard who both work for the Center.