COOKEVILLE – Upper Cumberland Habitat for Humanity (UCHFH) recently began a new fiscal year and welcomed two new members of the local ministry’s board of directors. Kelly Richardson, with Blue Cross Blue Shield, brings a strong social work background to her new role. Thomas Heard, assistant HR director (learning and development) of Tennessee Tech University, brings strong people skills to the non-profit’s board.
“We enjoy this time of year, as it marks a new year for our work, and we have an opportunity to engage new members to our leadership team,” said Pam Ealey, UCHFH executive director. “Both of these new directors have huge hearts for serving our community, as well as being prepared to lead us as we approach our 25thyear of serving our community.”
The need for affordable housing continues to grow in the region and UCHFH is working to meet the growing demand in Putnam and Overton counties. The ninth home in West End Place subdivision, in the heart of West End, was recently sold. Currently the housing ministry has 12 more lots available to build upon before the next phase of development needs to take place. UCHFH continues to seek a building lot, or two, in Overton County to start building homes there.
In addition, Neighbor 2 Neighbor, the senior homeowner repair program, is starting to see a growing demand. This program is designed to help seniors remain in their homes long term by making the homes safer and more accessible for their needs.
Local attorney, Don Johnson, with First National Bank, is serving his second year as president of the board of directors.
For more information on this local ministry, contact Ealey at 528-1711 ext. 1 or visit their website,