Tennessee Code Academy hosting video game camp

COOKEVILLE – Tennessee Code Academy (TN Code Academy) is conducting a video game camp in Cookeville during spring break. In this course, students will learn how to create and design video games, learn the history of gaming and have the opportunity to play games across multiple platforms and consoles. During the camp, students will learn from game developers and creators.

The camp will be conducted both weeks during spring break. The first week (March 16-20) is open to those ages 8-12, and the second week (March 23-27) is for students ages 13-18. TN Code Academy hopes to show students the job opportunities associated with video game design by creating a fun and engaging environment throughout the week.

“This is a unique opportunity for students to be exposed to the skill set that could launch them into a modern-day economy,” Sammy Lowdermilk, program director for TN Code Academy, said. “The average salary for a video game designer is about $72,000, and the job market is continually growing.”

The workshop will take place from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. each day at The Biz Foundry, 140 W. Seventh St., Cookeville. To register, visit www.tncodeacademy.com/event-schedule.


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