Local NAACP branch resource to local business

By Michelle Price
UCBJ Managing Editor

NAACP Cookeville, TN is a resource for local businesses who are looking to increase the diversity of their workforce or to revise their diversity policies to enhance Title VII.

“We believe that all local businesses want to be a good corporate citizen,” said Tom Savage, NAACP Cookeville president. “We believe that the local businesses will partner with us because they believe in diversity and that they want their workforce to look like the community.

“And we believe that we can give them the pulse of the community actually to the point of reaching out to people in our community that we think that would be suitable applicants to recommend to them.  Even if we can’t recommend them to them, if they are not a suitable applicant, then how can we help them to be a suitable applicant?”

The Cookeville branch of the NAACP serves Putnam, Clay, Jackson, Overton and White counties.

Annual elections for the Cookeville branch will be held on November 20 and are open to any paid member. Dues are $30 annually and office terms run from January to December.

Other programs that the NAACP Cookeville focuses on include voter registration drives, mentorships, academic scholarships, and wellness programs aimed at reducing diabetes, heart issues and obesity.

The first annual Freedom Fund Banquet will be held on Oct. 20 at the United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 165 E. Broad Street, Cookeville.  Tickets are $25 and can be purchased by contacting Tom Savage at 931-261-2795.

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