Free Google IT Professional Certificate training

UPPER CUMBERLAND – Motlow State Community College is a leader in technology and employee professional development. Through a collaborative effort between Academic Affairs and Workforce’s ‘MotlowTrained’ division at Motlow, community members can participate in free Google IT Support Professional Certificate training.

“This online training program provides the skills you need for an introductory-level job in IT support, such as a help desk analyst, with no relevant experience required,” said Motlow’s Cyber Defense Instructor Walter McCord. “The course gives you a micro-credential and a competition badge you can put on your resume.”

Those who complete the training will also receive six credit hours at Motlow. After completion, individuals can take the CompTIA A+ exams, an industry-standard certification for IT. This valuable benefit can help build IT foundations and prepare those who complete the training for high-wage, entry-level positions in the information technology field. Trainees will learn in-demand skills that will have them job-ready in less than six months.

“Any chance we can get to take advantage of free industry credentialed training that will lead to career-sustaining employment is a WIN! The Google IT Support Staff training is one of those opportunities that can not only expand an individual’s content knowledge but will grow their capacity for future training and future career opportunities,” said Joy Rich, assistant vice president of Workforce Development at Motlow.

Users can start instantly and learn on their own schedule.

According to Coursera, the company that conducts the training, within the last 12 months there have been more than 340,500 U.S. job openings in IT with a $50,800 average entry-level salary in IT support. 

To sign up, complete this form: For more information, email, call 931-393-1760, or visit

Tennessee’s Community Colleges is a system of 13 colleges offering a high-quality, affordable, convenient, and personal education to prepare students to achieve their educational and career goals in two years or less. The system offers associate degree and certificate programs, workforce development programs, and transfer pathways to four-year degrees. For more information, please visit us online at or visit Motlow at

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