Cookeville welcomes Run for the Wall today

Cross-country veterans’ motorcycle event routes through Tennessee for the sixth year

COOKEVILLE – Nearly 400 motorcycle riders on a 10-day cross-country journey from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C. will descend upon Cookeville today, making this middle Tennessee city their only overnight stop in the state on their Midway route. 

Run for the Wall is a group “riding for those who can’t,” with a mission of calling attention to prisoners-of-war and those missing-in-action; honoring those killed-in-action from all wars; and supporting all United States military personnel around the globe.

WHO: Run for the Wall Leadership and riders

WHAT: Run for the Wall, national veterans’ motorcycle event

WHEN:  4:30/5:00 p.m. CT (estimated), Monday, May 20 (TODAY) – ARRIVAL*

               7:30 a.m. CT, Tuesday, May 21 – DEPARTURE**

WHERE: N. Jefferson Ave. / W. First Street, Cookeville – ARRIVAL*

               Sam’s Club Parking Lot, Cookeville – STAGING / MEET-AND-GREET / DEPARTURE**


*A police escort will be provided on N. Jefferson Ave. to W. First Street.  Spectators are encouraged to line the streets with welcoming smiles and waving flags.

**A meet-and-greet for riders, local residents, and children from Parkview Elementary is also scheduled as part of their send off on Tuesday morning.

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