COOKEVILLE – Special agents from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation have obtained indictments for a Cookeville couple accused of theft in connection to a business the husband helped lead.
In August 2014, at the request of 13th District Attorney General Randall York, TBI Special Agents began investigating allegations of theft and equipment from Tennessee Master Restoration in Cookeville. During the course of the investigation, agents developed information that led to Darrell Partin, the company’s chief operating officer (COO), and his wife, Chanda, as the individuals responsible for the crime.
On Monday, the Putnam County grand jury returned indictments for the couple, charging Darrell, 42, with one count of theft over $10,000 and Chanda, 35, with one count of theft over $1,000. Tuesday, both turned themselves into a TBI agent at the Putnam County jail, where each was subsequently booked on the charges and held on a $5,000 bond.
Tennessee Master Restoration is a licensed general contractor. It’s located at 1650 S. Jefferson Ave. in Cookeville.