By Michelle Price
Special to the UCBJ
CELINA – The American Job Center and the Clay County Chamber of Commerce will host a job fair on Tuesday, Aug. 27 from 4 – 6:30 p.m. at the Clay County Senior Citizen Center.
“This will be our third annual Jobs Fair in Clay County, and this one couldn’t come at a better time,” said Kevin Donaldson of the Clay County Chamber of Commerce.
Clay County’s unemployment rate for July was 8.1%, the second highest in the state. The county has been one of the two counties highest in unemployment since March 2019 when Cumberland River Hospital closed its doors.
“As everyone knows, we’ve seen a recent upswing in our jobless rate, and this will give all our displaced workers the opportunity to see what jobs are available in Clay County and the surrounding area,” added Davidson. “Our local workforce development committee works with several of our regional partners each year to help match potential workers with local employers. We rely heavily on the American Job Center to coordinate this important event.”
Resume assistance, interview coaching and other employment assistance is available through the American Job Center by contacting Amy Randolph-Chernis at 931-520-9523or
Applicants are encouraged to bring resumes and come prepared to interview on site.