CROSSVILLE – The Cumberland Business Incubator, a business accelerator housed at Roane State Community College in Crossville, is offering a “Crash Course MBA” program, and it starts in January.
The program aims to teach the fundamentals of finance, marketing and management – without the need for business school – even if you’ve owned a business or directed a non-profit organization for years.
CBI is currently accepting applications for the accelerator, which begins next month and ends with a pitch night a little over 100 days later. Topics include business structure, business law, industry types, outsourcing, impact of the Internet, business ethics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, financial accounting, managerial accounting, costing, financial reporting, balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, financial management, analyzing financial statements, taxes, financial markets and interest rates, valuation and cost of capital, budgeting, financial funding and managing capital.
Also covered will be classical management theory, behavioral management, quantitative management and contemporary management. How to set goals and strategies, staffing, leadership skills, motivating employees, managing groups and effective communications will be additional topics of discussion and more.
Although not a prerequisite, those who have completed the Co.Starters, SpringBoard, Boardroom and Master Mind programs will find this a good next step to increasing their formal business knowledge.
Participants in the accelerator will have access to the CBI co-working space as well as confidential individual coaching sessions throughout.
To apply for CBI “MBA Crash Course” accelerator, you need to schedule a coaching session to discuss current business status and define goals for participation. For more information, call (931) 456-4910. The cost of the accelerator is $250.