Business events and workshops around the region

UPPER CUMBERLAND – The following is a list of chamber meetings, business events and workshops around the Upper Cumberland. 


Nov. 23 – Cookeville –The Biz Foundry presents the MYBIGIDEA! Finale at Prescott South Middle School from 1-3 p.m.

Nov. 26 – Cookeville -The Biz Foundry and SAIC partnered to bring freeCodeCamp to Cookeville from 6-8 p.m. 

Nov. 26 – Lafayette –The Macon County Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon at the Macon County Welcome Center at 11:30 a.m. For information call 615-666-5885.

Nov. 26 – Smithville – The Smithville-DeKalb County Chamber will host a Chamber Prayer breakfast from 7-8 a.m. at the DeKalb County Complex, 723 S. Congress Blvd. Tickets are $12. For tickets, text 615-464-7760.


Dec. 3 – Cookeville – The Biz Foundry host the All Things WEB meetup from 6-8 p.m. at the Biz Foundry. Meet like- minded developers, programmers, web designers, and general tech enthusiasts to chat, discuss projects, and network. Email for info.

Dec. 10 – Crossville –The Cumberland Business Incubator offers a course in 3D Printing: Safety & Basic Use from 5-8 p.m. Become familiar with the CAD design software and create and print your own creation. Once you successfully pass this class, you can user this equipment for your projects whenever you work at the CBI Maker Space as a member. Material fee is $15. Register here.

Dec. 10 – Sparta – White County Chamber Jingle & Mingle Christmas After Hours from 5:30-8 at Bank of White County, 576 W. Bockman Way. Admission is $10. Register here.

Dec. 11 – Crossville –The Cumberland Business Incubator offers Embroidery: Safety & Basic Use, a class to learn to create custom embroidery designs with the intuitive and easy-to-use Brother embroidery machine. Once you successfully pass this class, you can user this equipment for your projects whenever you work at the CBI Maker Space as a member. Class fee is $15. Class is from 1-4 p.m. Register here.

Dec. 12– Cookeville – The Biz Foundry presents the Ladies Lunch & Learn from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more information, call 931-210-5105.

Dec. 12– Livingston – Overton County Chamber of Commerce will host their Business After Hours at the West Main Street location of First National Bank beginning at 5 p.m. This will also include the annual awards presentations. For more information, call 931-823-6421.

Dec. 16 – Crossville –The Cumberland Business Incubator will host a broadcast of the Amazon Small Business Academy A+ Content. Learn to engage with your customers and tell your brand story through A+ content. Register here.

Dec. 17 – Cookeville – Putnam County Chamber of Commerce Christmas Business After Hours at the Leslie Towne Centre. Registration information here.

Dec. 17 – Cookeville – The Biz Foundrypresents Pitches & Pints, a mixer where entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to local business people over a pint of beer, at Red Silo from 5-7 p.m.


Jan. 30 – Sparta – White County Chamber Second Annual Chamber Awards Dinner at Duck Pond Manor beginning at 6 p.m. featuring The Wanna Beatles. Register here.


Feb. 18 – Cookeville – Putnam County Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting. Reception at 5 p.m. Meeting at 6 p.m.

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