Wildwood Resort and Marina hosts annual cleanup event

GRANVILLE –Back by popular demand, Wildwood Resort and Marina’s mid-winter Adopt-a-Stream River Bank Clean-up and Open House is scheduled for Feb. 23 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

The Adopt-a-Stream program is sponsored by the Cumberland River Compact in Middle Tennessee. Members of the program care for regional rivers and streams by organizing trash pick-ups, river access projects, and educational events. Wildwood Resort and Marina has adopted a one-mile stretch of the Cumberland River between Indian Creek and Martin’s Creek on the Cumberland River at Cordell Hull Lake. Detailed information on the Adopt-a-Stream program Middle Tennessee, the health of our local rivers and streams and how you can get involved can be found at the regional CRC Adopt-a-Stream website http://cumberlandriverbasin.org/.

Wildwood’s first annual Adopt-a-Stream shore cleanup and open house was held in February 2018. Despite a very gloomy forecast that weekend, sixty hearty souls showed up to fan out over the adopted stretch of river, armed with heavy duty trash bags and work gloves, to remove the trash. Volunteers picked up over 100 bags of garbage along the shoreline that day. 

Following the cleanup, volunteers celebrated what turned out to be a balmy, partly sunny day with homemade chili and drinks on the porch at Timberloft Lakeside before hearing a talk on the quality of river life on this stretch of the Cumberland as well as information on Wildwood’s developing plans for the upcoming recreational season.

The response of the community was so remarkable, the Adopt-a-Stream program has awarded a blue-ribbon prize to the Wildwood Community for attracting the most volunteers across all of Middle Tennessee, including Nashville, in all of 2018. CRC’s annual awards celebration is scheduled on Wednesday, Feb. 27 at its headquarters in the Bridge Building downtown Nashville, below the Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge. For more information, contact natasha@wildwoodresorttn.com.

Wildwood sends many thanks to those who joined in the effort to keep the shores free from garbage. The organizers hope that those volunteers will join in again this year and bring friends for another great effort!

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