COOKEVILLE – The City of Cookeville’s fourth annual Red, White and Boom Independence Day celebration kicks off June 30-July 1 with SlideCKVL, a 1,000-foot waterslide along Broad Street.

“SlideCKVL will be the biggest two-day water party of the summer,” Cookeville Mayor Ricky Shelton said. “There will be music, dancing, food, drinks and even some swag for sale so you can soak up the sun in style.”

The waterslide will begin near the Courthouse Square in downtown Cookeville. Saturday’s hours are 11 a.m. until 8 p.m.; Sunday’s hours are noon until 8 p.m.

“This event has grown each year, and we expect attendance this year to be the biggest ever,” Shelton said.

Tickets are $10 for a double-slider armband (two slides, either day); $20 for a five-slider armband (one person can slide five times or five people can slide one time, either day); or $25 for an unlimited-slider armband (unlimited slides both days). An inflatable tube is included.

They may be purchased in advance at the Cookeville Performing Arts Center, 10 E. Broad St., Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., or (with $3 convenience fee). They may also be purchased onsite (cash or credit card).

Tickets will be exchanged for armbands and inflatable tubes at the check-in and registration area next to Borden’s Jewelry throughout the event.

All sliders must be at least 3 years old, sign an injury release form and slide on an inflatable tube. Lap riding is not permitted.

For more information, call CPAC at (931) 528-1313.

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