UCHRA awarded energy assistance funds

UPPER CUMBERLAND – UCHRA is reminding Upper Cumberland-area clients that, for a limited time, funds are still available for Regular and Crisis LIHEAP. These funds are used to assist clients with a one-time payment to their home energy supplier.

LIHEAP is a federally-funded program administered by the Tennessee Housing Development Agency, designed to assist low income households in meeting home energy needs and is intended to supplement energy costs for those eligible households. Priority for service is not “first come, first served”, rather it is based upon a point system.

Documentation of all household income will be required for the application process. This includes check stubs for eight weeks, or four paystubs if bi-weekly or bi-monthly, Social Security or Pension Award letters, or unemployment benefit letters. If self-employed, an applicant should provide a tax return. Applicants must also provide a copy for 12 months of the household’s electric and/or gas bills (if residing at current address is less than 12 months, a printout of all energy usage at this address is required). Proof of Social Security numbers is required for all household members. A valid driver’s license or birth certificate is required for the applicant. Additional documentation may also be required to process applications.

Assistance provided to households ranges from $300-$600 depending upon its total points. Once an application has been submitted, a household will be notified by mail within 90 days of the status of the application.

Households awarded assistance are required to continue paying their energy bills until the awarded payment has been received by its designated utility provider. Once the benefit is exhausted, the household will return to paying for the energy costs.

The UCHRA Putnam County office is located at 580 S. Jefferson Ave., Ste. A in Cookeville and can be reached by calling (931) 528-1285.

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