Cookeville and local CrossFit athlete Rich Froning featured in Outside Magazine
COOKEVILLE – A recent FAM (familiarization) tour for freelance journalist Jamie Siebrase has yet again reaped reward, as Outside Magazine featured “Eat Like the Fittest Man on Earth…” in their November Eat & Drink spotlight, showcasing a day in Cookeville with local entrepreneur and world-renowned CrossFit athlete Rich Froning.
Coordinated by the Cookeville-Putnam County Visitors’ Bureau, Siebrase took part in a jam-packed itinerary, characterized by food and fitness. Working with Froning and the team at CrossFit Mayhem to coordinate, the day of activities offered up a fitcation experience hand-picked by Froning.
From the workout-of-the-day (WOD) at his gym (box) to lunching at a local restaurant where his mom used to work to hiking to one of Tennessee’s most visited waterfalls with oldest daughter Lakelyn, Siebrase truly got to experience a day-in-the-life of the one known by many as the “fittest in history.”
“We are so appreciative of Rich and the Mayhem team for accommodating our journalist,” said Zach Ledbetter, vice president of visitor development. “This is the type of publication we dream about being able to advertise in but with a restricted budget, have never been afforded the opportunity.”
“To have editorial content such as this, the marketing value for our community as a sports and fitness destination is immeasurable.”
The Outside article is the second assignment published by Siebrase as a result of her Cookeville visit. The first, an article with Trail Runner Magazine, a publication with a bi-monthly circulation of 46,000 readers.
For more than 40 years, Outside Magazine has been the world’s leading active lifestyle brand with a reach of more than 38 million active lifestyle participants each month with collective channels, e.g. print, television, social media, online. Outside describes its audience as motivated, tech-savvy, sophisticated, adventurous, social explorers with an average income of $81K. The Outside online audience is 65 percent male with average age of 36 years old. OutsideOnline.com receives 3.5M +monthly unique visitors and 5.7M visitors per month.
About the Cookeville-Putnam County Visitors’ Bureau: The Cookeville-Putnam County Visitors’ Bureau, a program of the Cookeville-Putnam County Chamber of Commerce, serves as the designated destination marketing organization (DMO) for Putnam County and is funded by a portion of the Putnam County lodging tax, a tax paid by visitors’ and collected by local lodging partners such as hotels, bed & breakfasts, etc. Ranking at 17th of Tennessee’s 95 counties, the visitors’ bureau is tasked with inspiring travel and overnight stays in Putnam County. Primary marketing pillars in drive and fly markets include outdoors; fitness/sports; motorcycling; arts/culture; and culinary/crafts. Most recent U.S. Travel Association statistics note visitor spending in Putnam County generated $2.7 million in local tax revenue, providing a tax relief for local residents with a savings of $358.47 per household. Explore more at VisitCookevilleTN.com
For more about 4x Fittest Man on Earth Rich Froning and CrossFit Mayhem, go to: CrossfitMayhem.com