COOKEVILLE – The Putnam County School System and the Cookeville-Putnam County Chamber recently held school adoption ceremonies for Cornerstone and Capshaw elementary schools.

An adoption ceremony was held for Cornerstone Elementary on Dec. 6. Pictured from Left to right, Front row: Brooklyn Perry; Rayne Lynn; Kayden Ford; Brody Moon; Mason Fox. Second row: Kayla Bradley, Bank of Putnam County; Connie Gentry, Winell Lee Specialty Mouldings & Hardwood; Principal Tammy Hoover; Vice Principal Tracey Burnett; Jennifer Wheeler, Chamber Membership Coordinator; Spencer Nabors.Third row: Dr. Matthew Whitson, Baxter Family Dental; Dr. John Wesley Halliburton, Baxter Family Dental; Sam Warren, Putnam 1st Mercantile Bank; Jerry Boyd, Director of Putnam County Schools; Wesley Adkins, Panera Bread; Darren Wilson, County Commissioner; Bill Curran, Chamber Chairman of the Board; Chancellor Ronald Thurman; Putnam County Mayor Randy Porter.

An adoption ceremony was held on Dec. 13 at Capshaw Elementary School. Pictured from left to right, front row: Dr. Diana Wood, Capshaw Assistant Principal; Josh Carwile, Carwile Mechanical Contractors; Emily Carwile, Carwile Mechanical Contractors; Mark Gaw, Senior Pastor Washing Ave Baptist Church; Donnita Hill, EXIT Rocky Top Realty; Dr. Garrett Shepherd, Huddleston & Shepherd Family Vision; David Williams, Williams Wholesale Supply; Lee Williams, Williams Wholesale Supply; Dr. Kim Wright, Capshaw Principal. Second Row, left to right: Putnam County Mayor Randy Porter; George Halford, Chamber President/CEO; Jerry Boyd, Director of Schools; Dawn Fry, Putnam County School Board; Chancellor Ronald Thurman; Donna Kernell, Middle Tennessee Eye; Tonya O’Neill, Middle Tennessee Eye; Michelle Sears, Cavity Commando’s Dentistry for Kids; Justin Davis, BROAST; Justin Cumby, J. Cumby Construction; Aminee Cumby, J. Cumby Construction.