The Oak Ridge Street Painting Festival has been around since 2000, benefitting numerous Roane State Community College students over the years.
The annual celebration will be held all day Saturday, October 8, in Oak Ridge’s Historic Jackson Square. The festival is organized by the Rotary Club of Oak Ridge and Roane State Foundation.
Dozens of artists equipped with chalk and creativity will bring colorful works of art to life on sidewalk squares. Free chalk and supplies are provided, and a panel of judges will award prizes.
Sponsors are being sought to help underwrite the event, and one Oak Ridge company has an exemplary record of assistance.
Materials and Chemistry Laboratory (MCLinc) has sponsored the festival for 21 consecutive years and is once again a Platinum supporter.
“We are proud to sponsor such a positive event,” said Barry Stephenson, MCLinc President/CEO and immediate past Chair of the Roane State Foundation’s Board of Directors.
The event theme this year is “Imagine Rotary” and asks artists and attendees to “imagine the possibilities in the change we can make to transform the world in areas such as peace, education, environment, health, economic development and disease eradication.”
The Rotary Club of Oak Ridge has once again partnered with Roane State to coordinate the event.
“The festival gives local artists of all ages an opportunity to showcase their talent,” Stephenson said. “We invite other businesses and individuals to join us in sponsorship of the event.”
Along with watching artists of all ages, including families, as their imaginative artwork takes shape, the festival features music, games and local vendors. Chalking will begin at 8 a.m. ET.
Sponsorship levels range from Platinum at $5,000; Gold, $2,500 to $4,999; Silver at $1,000 to $2,499; Bronze from $500 to $999; Small Business at $250 to $499 and Individual rates at $100 to $249.
There are two ways to give. You can donate online at or by mailing a check to Roane State Foundation, 276 Patton Lane, Harriman, TN 37748. With checks, please include “Oak Ridge Street Painting Festival” in the memo line.
Stephenson, himself a Rotarian, said those attending the festival will be able to “learn more about the work of Rotarians across the world and provide funding for scholarships for Roane State students.”
Since its inception, the festival has provided more than $300,000 in scholarships issued by the nonprofit Roane State Foundation.
The Foundation is governed by an independent board of directors and was established to provide financial support for students and programs. It also seeks to enhance community awareness of the college, secure private contributions and bequests and manage monies or properties given to the Foundation.
For more information, visit the Foundation online at, or send an email to