Copeland DRP LLC, asphalt paving, 3012A Dacco Quarry Road, Cookeville, TN 38506, Greg Copeland
Fun in the Sun Concessions, concessions, 3521 Old Smithville Highway N, Sparta, TN 38583, Angela M. Mcabee
Hoot and Toot Shop, moderate children’s and maternity clothing, baby products, 1217 Three Island Road, Walling, TN 38587, Keandrea Ray
J.W. Construction, construction, 140 Dyer Cove Road, Sparta, TN 38583, James Whiteaker
Jayambey Inc., grocery, beer, tobacco, lottery, 1309 Ray Broyles Road, Sparta, TN 38583, Alkaben G. Patel
June Cabral, janitorial services, 150 Short St., Sparta, TN 38583, June Cabral
Pettit Farms, carpenter and horses, 460 Ida Road, Quebeck, TN 38579, Cameron Pettit
Planet Inc., painting contractor, bridge painting, 920 N. Front St., Rockwood, TN 37854, Janet M. Manuel
Serenity Thrift, thrift store, 233 Mose Drive, Sparta, TN 38583, Debbie Morrison
The Big Tease Barber Shop, barber shop, 391 W. Bockman Way, Sparta, TN 38583, Becky Staggs
U-Haul Co. of Tennessee, short term rental of trucks, trailers and other moving equipment, 180 Rex Lane, Sparta, TN 38583, Dennis McQuade