NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) announces the launch of a new online, interactive source for agriculture and forestry information for every county in Tennessee. The live dashboards enable people to access real-time data for a range of information in one easy-to-access place.
“Delivering useful, transparent data to the public, to agriculture industry leaders, and to state and local lawmakers is a priority,” Agriculture Commissioner Charlie Hatcher, D.V.M. said. “This new tool makes that even easier. You can see at a glance how the department impacts the lives of Tennesseans and what’s happening in agriculture and forestry where you live.”
In addition to the real-time data, each interactive dashboard showcases information specific to each division of TDA. The dashboards track historical data and trends for economic impact and program reach. One significant feature of the data is the ability to search by multiple demographics. For example, the Business Development Division data is searchable by county economic status, grand division, development district or county.
“We want to share the most requested data and key metrics from a statewide overview all the way down to the county level,” Hatcher said. “Using interactive maps and icons, the information is easy to access, accurate and up-to-date.”
Visitors to the TDA website will value how quickly they can access what they’re looking for. There’s no waiting to obtain information on the new interactive data pages. A time stamp appears at the bottom to indicate the most recent update.
Interactive data dashboards
- Administrative Grants and Food Distribution
- Animal Health and Laboratory Testing
- Business Development
- Forestry
- Licensing and Inspections for Consumer and Industry Services
The Tennessee Department of Agriculture’s mission is to serve all the citizens of Tennessee by providing options for responsible use of our agricultural and forest resources, developing economic opportunities, safeguarding food and fiber and ensuring equity in the marketplace.