COOKEVILLE – The J&S Construction Employee Charitable Foundation recently made a donation to Food to the Rescue, a multi-denominational Christian organization comprised of local churches, businesses, and citizens of Putnam County that work together to ensure no child in the community is hungry. The 501(c)(3) organization, which launched in the summer of 2017, delivers meals to local children which otherwise would not have food during seasonal school breaks.
Established in 1989, the J&S Employee Charitable Fund was designed to provide contributions to local community charities and organizations which is then matched dollar-for-dollar by J&S Construction Company, Inc.
About J&S Construction:
Founded in 1957, J&S Constsruction is one of Middle Tennessee’s premier privately held construction firms, providing energy-efficient general contracting, design-build ad construction management services for a wide variety of markets, including commercial, healthcare, religious, institutional and industrial facilities.