Ready to lay the foundation – Putnam County Mayor Randy Porter stands with the Garrott Bros team during a ribbon cutting celebrating the company’s new location in Cookeville. Photo provided.

Cookeville – Garrott Bros concrete had a ribbon cutting to honor the grand opening of their location on Tennessee Avenue in Cookeville. With that new location an estimated 15 jobs comes with it. Garrott Bros. is a family owned ready mix business. Created 50 years ago they started with two mixers, and now they have grown into a multi plant and mixer operation throughout TN.

“I am happy to see them move to our community,” said Putnam County Mayor Randy Porter. “With the construction boom we have been seeing, having another concrete company here is great for our county.”

According to their website, Garrott Bros is ready to go to work in the Upper Cumberland.

“We look forward to continued growth and support by leading in the communities that we serve with the same vision created in 1950,” according to “With projects ranging from residential, road and bridge construction to large commercial projects, Garrott Bros. has been true to its motto, “there is no job too big or too small.”

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