CRMC board to recommend The Osborn Group for CRH

By Michelle Price
Special to the UCBJ

COOKEVILLE – The Cookeville Regional Medical Center (CRMC) board voted to continue pursuing the highest bidder for Cumberland River Hospital (CRH) and after doing their due diligence and ensuring that the funds are available, to recommend them to the city of Cookeville as a purchaser. According to Paul Korth, CRMC CEO, the city of Cookeville wanted to have the final say in the disposition of the property.

The high bid received was $500,000 from the Osborn Group from West Chester, Ohio with Timothy Osborn listed as the Senior Consultant / Board of Advisor Member. 

The bid stated that the Osborn group was comprised of “interested parties representing the community of Celina, TN and other qualified individuals working together to reopen and acquire the former Cumberland River Hospital location.” 

More details will be posted Friday morning.        

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