COOKEVILLE –It’s been five years since CHC Mechanical Contractors recorded a lost-time accident. And according to industry statistics, that’s a rare feat in a field that typically sees a high frequency of claims.
“One of our team’s top priorities is focusing on safety,” said Garry Floeter, president of CHC Mechanical Contractors. “It’s a personal goal of mine to ensure that we’re staying safe so our employees can go home every day to their families. Additionally, a strong safety record helps us to continue to grow and provide outstanding service for our clients.”
A lost-time accident is an OSHA recordable incident in which an employee is not able to return to work on the day or shift following the incident. For five consecutive years, CHC Mechanical has not experienced a single lost-time accident.
And that was reason to celebrate, as CHC employees and their families marked the occasion with a picnic.
“It’s just a small way we can show our appreciation to our folks and their families,” said Floeter of the picnic. “They’re the ones who make this kind of achievement possible. We’re excited to keep our safety record going and close out 2019 on a strong note.”
CHC Mechanical Contractors has been providing mechanical construction, plumbing and related support services for commercial, industrial and institutional projects to the Upper Cumberland and Middle Tennessee since 1969. For more information, visit www.chccompanies.comor call 931-528-5514.