Thursday, January 16, 2025

Daily Archives: February 2, 2023

Tennessee Tech hosts events to promote agricultural education

Pictured above - Cumberland County students Isabella Cross and Lexi Christian listen to Tech student Sophie Helton while attending the recent...

PCSS moving to online ACT testing in spring

Pictured above – PCSS Testing and Data Supervisor, Jason Stickler, showing the online ACT platform to PCSS Chief Academic Officer, Bridgett...

Key points to keep in mind when filing 2022 tax returns

Gather tax paperwork and records for accuracy to avoid missing a deduction or credit Washington — To help...

Rooney to bring opportunities to people in Kenya

Pictured above – Travis Trull and Shehla Rooney Local physical therapist and CEO of Goknee partners with...

Dogwood Exchange calls for artist for “Homesteads Artisan Festival” in May

There is a call for handmade artists to participate in the even Crossville – The Dogwood Exchange (DE)...

Local Investors set up investment fund in the Upper Cumberland

Small businesses with high growth potential are the primary target Cookeville – The Upper Cumberland Investment Alliance, LLC...